기호 |
0 |
0x00 |
NUL (NULL Character) |
1 |
0x01 |
SOH (Start of Header) |
2 |
0x02 |
STX (Start of Text) |
3 |
0x03 |
ETX (End of Text) |
4 |
0x04 |
EOT (End of Transmission) |
5 |
0x05 |
ENQ (Enquiry) |
6 |
0x06 |
ACK (Acknowledgement) |
7 |
0x07 |
BEL (Bell) |
8 |
0x08 |
BS (Backspace) |
9 |
0x09 |
HT (Horizontal Tab) |
10 |
0x0A |
LF (Line feed) |
11 |
0x0B |
VT (Vertical Tab) |
12 |
0x0C |
FF (Form feed) |
13 |
0x0D |
CR (Carriage return) |
14 |
0x0E |
SO (Shift Out) |
15 |
0x0F |
SI (Shift In) |
16 |
0x10 |
DLE (Data link escape) |
17 |
0x11 |
DC1 (Device control 1) |
18 |
0x12 |
DC2 (Device control 2) |
19 |
0x13 |
DC3 (Device control 3) |
20 |
0x14 |
DC4 (Device control 4) |
21 |
0x15 |
NAK (Negative acknowledgement) |
22 |
0x16 |
SYN (Synchronous idle) |
23 |
0x17 |
ETB (End of transmission block) |
24 |
0x18 |
CAN (Cancel) |
25 |
0x19 |
EM (End of medium) |
26 |
0x1A |
SUB (Substitute) |
27 |
0x1B |
ESC (Escape) |
28 |
0x1C |
FS (File separator) |
29 |
0x1D |
GS (Group separator) |
30 |
0x1E |
RS (Record separator) |
31 |
0x1F |
US (Unit separator) |
32 |
0x20 |
SPC (Space) |