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30 Inspiring "About Me" Pages

K :) 2011. 9. 4. 12:12

"About me" pages have the ability to engage and inform your site visitors in a personal and friendly way. For web professionals, our "About me" page can be critical in establishing a true connection with potential clients, and it can set us apart from a sea of other designers and developers.

For different types of websites, keep in mind that the About page could be structured differently. For example, an About page for a blog or news site can be vastly different when compared to the same page for a portfolio website.

In this collection, I’ve rounded up 30 excellent "About me" pages from the web portfolios of amazing designers, artists, illustrators, and developers. Enjoy!

Toby Powell

An interesting use of a cutout/silhouette sets this designer’s About page out from the crowd. A halftone self-portrait and a concise biography of the site owner rounds out this web page’s design.


Most designers use a professional headshot photo of themselves on their About pages, but this designer from Sweden presents an interesting and unique perspective with his overhead shot. Bold typography draws you in to create added visual interest.


Dan Joe Design

The designer used a grid layout in the layout of his About page. Contemporary colors inform you of the designer’s style, while a status message of his availability to take on new projects makes it clear to prospective clients whether he’s available or not.

Dan Joe Design

Tim Van Damme

A unique and effective way of organizing your personal information on the web is to create an online business card (vCard). In doing so, we learn who the designer is, other places to connect with him, and how to get in touch with him.

Tim Van Damme

James A. Reeves

The About page for James A. Reeves is simple and modular, allowing for the large-scale photography in the background.

James A. Reeves


The artistic design of Janis’s website is very captivating. It gives you a glimpse into the designer’s personal aesthetic style, while supplying the information you need to hire him for your next project. The use of large photography can leave a lasting impression on the visitor if done effectively, as shown in this About page.



Here’s another example where the designer used a self-portrait in a unique and engaging way. Including a large self-portrait on your site gives a potential client a real person to relate with.


Jared Christensen

Jared Christensen used a humorous, catchy self-portrait on his About page to not only allude to his sense of humor, but also allow the client to see his creative side a little more personally.

Jared Christensen

Jason Reed

Jason Reed uses a nice illustration of himself in his About page. The use of an illustration is another way to grab the visitor’s attention and add a more character to your About page.

Jason Reed

Soh Tanaka

This designer organized his credentials in an easily digestible format. Large photography offsets the information and gives you an idea of the site owner’s style and influences.

Soh Tanaka

Emerge and Bloom

On this website for a design studio, information is organized efficiently, both giving you an idea of their services while presenting attributes of the designers behind the company.

Emerge and Bloom


Here’s another striking About page. As you can see, the design is simple, but fun and illustrative.


Alex Dawson

Alexander Dawson (a Six Revisions writer) presents his About page in a very efficient, functional manner. From looking at his credentials, you get a quick overview of who he is, what he does, and the services he excels in. It’s really all you can ask for from an "About me" page, right?

Alex Dawson

Adham Dannaway

Through the use of a grid layout, Adham Dannaway achieves a simple, straightforward About page that also gives you an idea of his skills, illustrated as graphs.

Adam Dannaway


The About page for egopop presents a large-scale photo of the designer as well as a simple biographical statement about himself and his history as it relates to his profession.



Monkeyworks uses a clean, structured layout on their About page. Not only are the illustrations captivating, but the typography stands out and the graphics used add a nice touch.


Darren Hoyt

Great use of typography is what stands out in this "About me" page. Not only does the type make the page easy to read, the grid layout increases readability as well.

Darren Hoyt

Mark McGall

The designer took their About page to the next level by superimposing their face on Mount Rushmore. Tastefully done, this tactic adds a unique and memorable visual to an otherwise straightforward page.

Mark McGall

Mr. Joe Payton

The About page of Joe Payton presents a short bio about him in a beautifully laid out format. The designer also presents information for following him on various social networking sites.

Mr. Joe Payton

Elliot Jay Stocks

The About page of Elliot Jay Stocks is laid out rather simply, but the typography is carefully thought-out and makes you want to explore this designer’s work further. The designer, who is also a speaker and author, presents you with links to pertinent information related to his professional activities.

Elliot Jay Stocks

Kitschen Sink

The compelling website for Kitschen Sink made me want to explore the About page. I found out that they’re a jewelry and accessories shop and I learned the history behind the company. Although it’s laid out very simply, captivating branding led me to the About page through curiosity.

Kitschen Sink

Matt Mullenweg

Matt Mullenweg sets the backdrop for his About page on a highly textured background. These visual layers compelled me to read more about the founder of WordPress.

Who is Leon

Who is Leon

This beautiful About page features animations and depth to draw the visitor in. Clear typography and a monochromatic color scheme set this About page apart.

Matt Mullenweg

Amour Chaleur

This designer’s About page is really simple and straightforward. It includes a short bio, links to relevant info, and her library. It’s always the neatly designed pages that attract me the most.

Amour Chaleur


This beautiful About page of designer Meagan Fisher lets you know all the pertinent information about her and the services she provides. Included are links to social networks and other affiliated websites, all organized into a clean and inviting format.


Lord Likely

This compelling About page’s character is what draws the visitor in. Inspired by Victorian-era design, the designer implemented old-world style in creating a unique and professional page that serves as an introduction to himself.

Lord Likely

Dustin Curtis

This unique About page presents a timeline of the site owner’s life — from birth to his projected death.

Dustin Curtis

Ian Mintz

The beautiful watercolor illustrations grabbed my attention on this website. As you can see, his About page is laid out very simply and elegantly. We get a sense of his design influences, on top of his skills and education, through this clean and straightforward approach.


Large-scale photography is what sets this "About me" page apart. The page is laid out in a clear format, providing information about the designer and where he can be found.


Floating Asian Kid

The interaction on this website intrigued me enough to explore its About page. You can see from his short biography what the designer specializes in and how to reach him.

Floating Asian Kid

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About the Author

Stephanie Hamilton is a freelancer graphic and web designer who runs her own design studio, Stephanie Hamilton Design. You can find her on Twitter @SHamiltonDesign and Linkedin.